Current Research
The University of Ottawa Sleep Laboratory is looking for adults age 20-35 and age 60 or older to participate in research studies. Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires to verify that they meet the eligibility criteria to participate.
To inquire about participating in research, please fill out the research participation enquiry form.
Participate in research
Study 1: Impact of sleep loss on fitness to drive in young and older adults
To inquire about participating, please fill out the research participation enquiry form.
The purpose of this study is to identify the physiological markers of drowsiness in the face of mild and acute (1 night) sleep loss. The anticipated contribution of this research will be to help create and implement technology that will be used to prevent motor vehicle collisions and, ultimately, help save human lives and injury from motor vehicle collisions.
To be included, participants must be age 20-35 years or >60 years old, right-handed, native English speakers, no neurological or psychiatric disorders (past and present), healthy and describe themselves as a “good” sleeper. Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires to verify their eligibility to participate. If eligible to participate, you will be asked to perform a driving simulator task in the laboratory for two 3-hour sessions where your brain activity will be recorded. The in-laboratory sessions will take place in the mid-afternoon. You will be asked to sleep for either 5 hours or 9 hours the night before each of the in-laboratory sessions.
Study 2: Sleep & memory study in young and older adults
To inquire about participating, please fill out the research participation enquiry form.
In this study, we are looking for adults to participate in a research study investigating the relationship between sleep and memory. Brain activity will be recorded using electroencephalography (EEG).
We are seeking older adults who either consider themselves to have no memory problems, or, individuals who suspect that they may have problems with their memory that are age-related.
To be included, participants must be aged 20-35 years or >60 years old, right-handed, native English speakers, no neurological or psychiatric disorders (past and present), healthy and describe themselves as a “good” sleeper. Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires to verify their eligibility to participate. If eligible to participate, you will be asked to spend three nights in the laboratory where your brain activity will be recorded via electrodes placed on the scalp, face and chest. On one of the nights in the laboratory, participants will be asked to take a melatonin supplement.
Study 3: Memory reactivation during sleep
To inquire about participating, please fill out the research participation enquiry form.
In this study, we are looking at brain activity related to learning a new task and the role of sleep in "memory reactivation". Brain activity will be recorded using simultaneous functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), two non-invasive brain recording techniques.
To be included, participants must be age 20-35, right-handed, English native speaker, normal or corrected-to-normal vision, no neurological or psychiatric disorders (past and present), not pregnant, no metal in body (please enquire if you are unsure whether you meet the inclusion criteria). Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires to verify their eligibility to participate. If eligible to participate, you will be asked to spend 2 nights sleeping in the MRI scanner for part of the night and for the rest of the night in the laboratory. The study will take place at the Royal's Brain Imaging Centre.